Welcome to the

Java Project

What is the Javaproject?

The Java Project is the implementation of 3 peer support and mentoring activity programs to address loneliness and build happiness.

Java Group Programs come with training videos and a rich resource of program materials, including step-by-step guides, training videos, group manuals, 52 themes, readings, a talking stick, 142 familiar recorded songs and much more.

The Power of Java Group Programs


The Java Group Programs have gained recognition for their effectiveness in reducing social isolation, loneliness, and depression among nursing home residents. Published research studies have documented significant positive outcomes, including a 60% decrease in social isolation and a 30% reduction in loneliness and depression. These evidence-based programs empower residents to provide emotional support to one another through facilitated peer support groups.

What is the Civil Money Penalty Reinvestment Program?

This grant is called the Civil Money Penalty Reimbursement (CMP) grant. The application is called the Java Project, which is all about addressing loneliness and social isolation among older adults in nursing homes, now a high priority with CMS. Most of the work for the application is prepared by us for you to review, so it is easy to apply. After the state reimburses you, there is no cost at all and you get to keep the program materials after the grant and continue with the programs.The Java programs are facilitated by your staff and have already been implemented in over 2000 communities in the US and Canada. The Java programs come with the program materials and training and are adaptable for use during virus outbreaks.
A CMP is a monetary penalty the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) may impose against nursing homes for either the number of days or for each instance a nursing home is not in substantial compliance with one or more Medicare and Medicaid participation requirements for long-term care facilities. A portion of CMPs collected from nursing homes are returned to the states in which CMPs are imposed. State CMP funds may be reinvested to support activities that benefit nursing home residents and that protect or improve their quality of care or quality of life. The Java Project has received final approval in many states, such as communities in North Carolina, and more recently 23 homes in Minnesota, 32 in Virginia and 100 in California

Navigating the Application Process

Each state has its own application process and specific timelines for CMP Funds. At Java Group Programs, we understand the complexities of the application process and can provide expert guidance and support to help nursing homes navigate through it. Our dedicated team is well-versed in the requirements and can assist you in preparing a strong application tailored to your state’s guidelines.

Take the Next Step

Don’t miss the opportunity to make a significant impact on the lives of your residents through the Java Group Programs funded by CMP. Contact our team today to learn more about the application process, eligibility criteria, and how we can assist you in accessing CMP Funds for the implementation of these evidence-based programs

Contact: charlene@javagp.com


Grant Initiative

End loneliness – spread happiness!




Easy to implement


No ongoing fees

Learn More

Find out more information about the CMP grant initiative

email: charlene@javagp.com
or call 778-897-0547 EXT 406
