Inaugural Canadian Conference on Culture Change

Walk with me…changing the culture of aging together. March 24-25, 2014. Hyatt Regency, Toronto, Canada. Join together with older adults/residents, their families, researchers, service providers and policy makers to learn with and from each other. This is the first conference of its kind in Canada – join us! The Java Music Club will be there.

What is culture change?

Culture change is an ongoing, holistic journey that includes re-examining values, beliefs, attitudes, language, practices and policies and exploring a range of efforts needed to transform the culture into a community where everyone thrives.

In Canada, we envision a culture of aging where:

  • the personhood of each individual is honoured;
  • each person is the primary authority of his or her life and personal choices are respected and supported;
  • the focus is on living life to the fullest;
  • accessible and enabling environments support continued engagement and connections in community;
  • the body, mind and spirit of each person are nourished;
  • close relationships and authentic partnerships involving collaborative decision-making are at the core of compassionate communities; and
  • all care partners have the knowledge and information, skills, resources, authority and accountability to provide respectful, flexible, and life-affirming care and support.

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