‘Friends Day Out’: Java Music Club Complements RSVP’s Respite Care Program

Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Program’s (RSVP) Respite Care Program meets the basic needs of caregivers who are faced with the daunting task of providing 24/7 care for elder Nevadans, Veterans and persons living with a disability.

This vital assistance is key in reducing caregiver depression, anxiety and stress, and helps family and informal caregivers continue to care for loved ones in their homes for as long as possible, thereby preventing or delaying the need for costly institutional care.

Additionally, the one being cared for has someone new to share their thoughts and feelings with if able – and assures them that they are still part of the community and society and have something to contribute.

“Friends Day Out” featuring the Java Music Club is an innovative program designed to provide caregivers and their loved ones with meaningful socialization and time to enjoy the company of others utilizing the Java Music Club program.

The Java Music Club is a research and evidence-based peer support activity group program designed for the well-being of individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia.

Welcome to the Java Music Club Peer Support Program!

Additionally, those living with Attention-Deficit Disorder, Post Stroke, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), heart problems, and many other conditions, diseases and disorders participate. 

Program materials include step-by-step instructions, a group manual, a facilitator’s guide, a hand-carved Aboriginal talking stick, an implementation training DVD, and 8 CD’s of custom recorded music in lower keys. 

The Java Music Club Program Materials

Research has shown that having such a variety of components in one program (themes, photography, music, readings and the talking stick), makes for a highly engaged and participatory group.

The program is unique because the focus is on peer support.

It is based on the altruistic concept that people are happiest when they are helping one another and that we retain “personhood” throughout our lifetimes.

Java Music Club is intuitive and easy to facilitate by recreation staff, residents, volunteers or family members. The focus is on peer support – people helping people – which adds purpose and meaning to their lives!

Project Contact: Steven Nichols, Respite Program Director, Innovations Project

Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Program, Inc. (775) 687-4680, ext. 121, snichols@nvrsvp.com.

To learn more visit: www.nevadaruralrsvp.org.

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