“It is a joy to see them share so openly!”: Java at Sherbrooke Community Centre

Saskatoon’s Sherbrooke Community Centre, a centre that embraces the Eden Alternative Philosophy, is a warm and welcoming place: there are 263 residents, 100 Community Day Program participants, 500 volunteers, families, friends, students, pets, and over 500 staff.

Sherbrooke has also embraced Java Group Programs, a unique series of peer support group activity programs that foster empathy and build purposeful living and meaningful relationships between residents.

sherbrooke-photo-half-sizeOver the past year Sherbrooke invested time and training for staff to learn how to facilitate these programs which include the Java Music Club and Java Memory Care. Sherbrooke now offers a total of 8 Java peer support groups each week.

Candace Ukrainetz, Music Therapist at Sherbrooke Community Centre, has initiated this movement and has been successfully training staff throughout the organization, using the training materials provided with the program.

We are loving the Java Music Club and Java Memory Care for the close relationships they are building between residents. It is a joy to see them interact and share with each other so openly.

Candace Ukrainetz, Music Therapist, Sherbrooke Community Centre

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